Tuesday 7 June 2011

The resident.

Lori Harfenist presents news in a very interesting way. Where mainstream media tells you what you need to know about the world, Lori tells you what you want to know. Her approach to sharing news and interviewing people is very laid back, and informal. She has a great personality and interacts with the publicly easily. She even goes so far as to putting in her own opinions during her shows, which we're taught in journalism not to do.

I find that she goes out on the street and talks to people about what they want to talk about. Which I really enjoy watching since those topics are also something I take an interest to. I also love that she is honest and truthful with the news she presents. In main stream media you find that they tend  to over exaggerate big events and stories, and tell you that it's something everyone is looking forward too. However not everyone is looking forward to these big events and stories, and she is brave enough to go out and ask why.

What I like most about the topics she chooses is that they are big in their own way. The topics she chooses are different, and a lot would be something that not a lot of journalists would want to talk about. One topic she put out to the public that really sparked my attention was the "Why people hate the USA" I found this interesting because she is an american talking about why people hate the USA to an american public. It was definitely a ballsy topic, which got many educated and positive opinions. Personally it informed me on what the country is like in four minutes than any news article would have.

I think what people find appealing in her is the same things that I find appealing. I think she's a brave young woman who is going out to the public and getting answers. I think people are attracted to her show because it's different from what you see on everyday news, but at the same time it's just as informative. She also puts out her for of media online, which is a growing source of media in at the current time. It's also very entertaining because of the way she puts her own twist and personality to the stories, which you are rarely able to see in mainstream media.

1 comment:

  1. Lori H. is most definitely editorializing her pieces. She is far from hardnews. That's what makes her so funny.
